Sunday, August 1, 2010

Do Your Toddlers Bite? Guaranteed Tips to Make Them Stop

at 1:45 PM
Let's get one thing straight, as a parent you should know that toddlers bite. Not all, but many do. A toddler's age means experimenting is the name of the game. They will throw things just to get a reaction, they will scream to seek attention you name it, they will try it. I have a toddler who is 3 years old and I experience new behaviors daily. They are at an age where touching, biting or hitting is all part of their learning process.

Of course nobody likes to be bitten, especially from a toddler who most likely does not realize the pain their actions are causing. Toddlers bite due to many reasons and become even more amused when parents start giving them attention albeit negative attention. To a toddler getting your reaction and attention is what matters most, negative or positive. So how can we stop our toddlers from biting other kids or adults?

  • When your kid bites, try not to give too much attention to their behavior. Take them into a corner and explain that they must not bite. For toddlers seeing someone react equates to a source of good entertainment. So if you over react to their biting, they will continue doing it.

  • Let your child see you giving lot's of attention to the bitten person. Your child will immediately feel left out and regret their actions.

  • Time outs are a great way to make your toddler realize, they have done wrong. Use an age appropriate time out for your child. For example, if your child is 2, use a two minute time out, if 3 use a three minute time out etc.

  • Start praising your kids when they do something positive. As mentioned previously a toddler is learning new things everyday. If they get attention from you whilst doing something good, guess what, they will repeat it again.


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