Saturday, May 15, 2010

Developing Good Manners in Your Children

at 6:25 AM
Teaching a child about respect and dignity can be a tricky situation for parents. The only way to make these values stick with them is by setting a good example. A child's formative years are when he starts learning about the world and the importance of human relationships.

Parents play a very crucial role when it comes to teaching children the value of healthy relationships. This social competence allows them to express their feeling better, treat others with empathy, and to be cooperative and generous overall.

To accomplish this task as a parent, you must model the behavior you want them to exemplify. Every time you have the courtesy to use the word "please," or whenever you decide to help out those in need, you are showing your children appropriate ways to act.

It is always helpful to your child's growth and understanding of responsibility to have them help out with daily tasks. If they offer to do so on their own, thank them for it. Praising your child's good behavior helps them appreciate how good it really feels to be able to help others.

Socially competent children are known for exemplifying a strong sense of self worth and importance. It follows that when a child has high self-esteem, he is more inclined to treat others in a more positive manner.

Encourage generosity through simple acts of sharing and cooperation. Remind your child when it is someone else's turn with a toy or on a swing, and praise their ability to recognize this on their own. Don't forget to thank them for recognizing the importance of giving way to others.

Children know that words can be quite powerful as name-calling and teasing can significantly affect people. Children always want to be treated fairly, the problem is, they don't always know how to treat others the same way. When it comes to teaching your child about the value of fairness, it would be a good start to explain a rule to him. Make your child aware that this rule doesn't just apply to him, but to everyone else, for that matter.


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