Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Choosing a Pediatrician For Your Child - 7 Tips to Find the Best One

at 7:06 PM
Recently, I was in pursuit of a reputable pediatrician for my preemie (who came home last week, yay!). When you start to think about who will take care of your child (medically), it is easy to become overwhelmed by the decision. For all mothers (especially preemie moms), the fear of illness and "what to do" can plague your mind. This is what I learned about the process:

#1: Find a Pediatrician Who is Close to Your Home.

My friend gave birth a month after me. She decided to go with a pediatrician that lives a good 40 minutes (with no traffic) away. Why? Because it is located in posh Newport Beach. She doesn't live in Newport. She doesn't drive a Beamer or Benz, yet somehow taking her kid to the doctor in Newport Beach makes her feel like she fits in with that crowd. Maybe I'm just too practical. Who wants to drag their teeny tiny baby out that far for their one-month appointment? Who wants to sit in traffic to see your doctor when your kid is sick? Being practical is key here.

#2: Make Sure Your Philosophies Mesh

You definitely do not want to be head-butting your doctor over parenting style. My son's pediatrician is 200% supportive of breastfeeding, and when I mentioned I was cloth diapering, he was totally supportive. They didn't push anything down our throats and were very considerate of us and our preferences, while maintaining their role of professionalism and experts in their field. This is important.

#3: Consider Size of Practice

I took my stepson to a pediatrician husband and wife team. They were nice and all, but there was just the two of them. This meant that they had limited availability, and we had to wait weeks just to get a TB test that was needed ASAP for school. My son's pediatrician (the ones I love) have six doctors in their practice. Six doctors = more availability. You want to be able to get appointments easily and not have to wait weeks or months. Also, you want a practice that is well-managed. You don't want to be stuck in a waiting room for hours with lots of other patients. You want to be able to go and be seen relatively quickly.

#4: Find Out Their Hours

I've been to a pediatrician with limited hours. It sucks. The group I found for my son is open Monday-Saturday, and are always on call for after hour care. This is great and puts my mind to rest, as I don't have to go to the germ-infested ER with my baby if something happens in the middle of the night.

#5: Go to Your First Meeting/Appointment Loaded with Questions

Write them down. Write down everything you can think of, and when you meet your doctor, ask away. Look and listen to how they answer you. Are they rushed? Are they patient? I fell in love with my son's pediatrician when he answered every single question with patience and knowledge. He acted like he had all the time in the world for us. I've had doctors who treat you like a piece of metal on an assembly line. Having a doctor who makes time for you is what you want.

#6: Waiting Rooms

It is essential (in my humble opinion) for a doctor to have a "sick" room and a "well child" room. I'm not going to expose my baby to bacteria and viruses just because I'm waiting for a well-child check-up.

#7: Professionalism

Are the secretaries efficient and respectful? Do you get a copy of the doctor notes? Are you treated as an intelligent being? These are all important!

So, I hope these tips have helped you navigate your way through the journey of finding the perfect pediatrician for your baby and/or older children. This is one decision not to take lightly!


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