Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Children - The Best Gift

at 2:08 PM
Children are the best gift parents can have during their lifetime. As parents, you start thinking, planning and worrying about your child even when he/she is in the womb. That is the love of parents, a strong bond between the children and their mom and dad. Your association with your child starts in the mother's womb, when you go for that first scan to the doctor and see blurry images of the unborn fetus.

Your baby comes into this world, crying and kicking and protesting with all his/her might. You feel a protective feeling and would do anything to protect your newborn. Right after the birth of your baby, those sleepless nights and weary days make you think whether this was a right decision! A single toothless smile from your baby removes all your doubts and worries.

The important milestones in your child's life are treasured moments for you, stored in pictures or video clips. Your baby's first smile, first attempt to crawl or walk are so precious for you, you obviously wish to store them and share them with your loved ones. You train and teach your toddlers and kids and guide them through life.

But teaching isn't a one-way affair. Many a times, your children come to you with questions which make you check things. Having a child in the house is an education for the adults too, as you often learn new things, facts and it becomes a constant process of new discoveries. It is important to handle children well, because a wrong approach towards child rearing can make a big difference in your child's character and personality.

Children are very important for a family. A family unit is incomplete until there is a child in the house. Children complete the family; they bring fun, laughter and spontaneity to our daily lives. Life without children is dull and lacking. Those who cannot have children know this perfectly well. The law has made it possible for childless couples to adopt kids and live a fulfilling life.

You learn to unwind, relax and engage in silly childish activities, thanks to your children. Playing with kids is fun, whether it is a pillow fight, a ball game or a puzzle. Children bind families together and make the bond strong. You develop a social circle thanks to your children. Your kid's friends and their families become your friends, and there is help available when you're in a crisis.


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