Saturday, September 4, 2010

Goal Setting and the Law of Attraction For Children

at 1:33 AM
Do you remember when you were a kid and all things seemed possible? Being an astronaut, a ballerina, a doctor or the owner of a gas station, seemed exciting and attainable.

For most of us as we grew, reality set in. Even if our parents encouraged and supported us, there were times when most of us felt as if we were caught up in the wheel of life and were being pushed along by the masses. In the meantime dreams were taken over by worrying about bills, jobs, and the concerns about providing for a significant other or children of our own.

We learned through societal teachings, that it was selfish to pursue things that were not mainstream or that did not fit into our immediate lifestyle. Staying in a job that made you unhappy was something you did in order to be "responsible". Eventually we all hoped to make it to retirement where the grim statistics of realizing our dreams seemed significantly diminished.

The easiest time to educate someone about knowing how to attain goals, no matter what they are, is in childhood. Though the Law of Attraction and goal setting can attain "gold" for anyone at any age, children are open to this concept and learn to direct their energy toward what they wish to accomplish, very easily.

Teaching a young child to set a goal and to take steps to attain that goal may sound premature, but it is a skill when learned at an early age, that carries a child into adulthood with the tools to attain much larger and loftier goals. This could include a dream job, a dream mate, abundance in every facet of their lives, including good friends, money, good health, all things that are well within our grasp when we learn to harness our own power.

Who doesn't want these things for their child? Most of the teachings for these subjects are targeted to adults and may be a little mature for the young child or adolescent, but it is never too early to sit down with your child and talk with them about what they want. Of course there will be goals that change from week to week. But starting with short term goals, like wanting an A in English or a remote control car they saw in a hobby shop, can all be broken down into steps.

Start by listening to your child. Pick up clues from your conversations with them or hearing them speak to others. It is important that you are genuinely interested, because they will look to you for direction and support along the way, and especially if things go off track.

Find a comfortable place to sit and ask questions about what your child wants to have in their life in the next month, six months, or longer. Examine one wish at a time. Break it down into steps to make it look more attainable. If appropriate, keep a calendar where your child can see their progress or find some other way to keep track of the journey, like keeping a diary or journaling. Don't forget to record other good things that happen along the way - these are oftentimes the result of the Law of Attraction and the childs' power to manifest.

Once your child sees how much control they really have over their own desires and happiness, they will become motivated and focused on larger and more important targets. This practice will build self confidence, something we know to be priceless and something that will serve them all throughout life.

Helping a child realize their own Law of Attraction, can be the best gift you can give them, both for today and for the future. It will become habit and they will automatically and effortlessly formulate a plan when a new goal comes on the horizon.


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