Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is it Too Late to Change My Parenting Style?

at 4:46 AM
If you are hoping to change some habits and bad behaviors your child has developed over the first few years of their lives, you are in luck. There is a way to modify your parenting methods that can lead to good behaviors. These techniques may not produce overnight results, but it is possible to see some change in just a matter of weeks.

The first step in changing your child's behavior begins with you. Yes, the parent is directly responsible for leading their child. This is not to say you have done a poor job up to this point, but there is always room for improvement. If you are serious about changing your child's bad behavior patterns you must model the good behavior you are asking for.

Along with being the role model, your job is to teach your child the good behaviors you want. Using an approach that redirects the child away from undesirable behaviors is very effective. When you see your child acting in a way you do not approve, calmly let them know. Do not ask them to stop, tell them to stop. Give the directions in a manner the child will understand. If the same behavior presents again, follow the same steps, but never lose your cool.

Stay consistent with your rule enforcement as well as the consequences to breaking those rules. It is normal for the child to completely rebel in the beginning, but stick with it. Your child will see you are serious about this and will begin to follow the rules and behaviors you have discussed. If you are in a co-parenting home, make sure both of you are sticking to the same rules.

Do you want to learn exactly how to eliminate your child's out-of-control and defiant behavior without using Punishments, Time-Outs, Behavioral Plans, or Rewards?


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