Thursday, January 20, 2011

5 Red Flags to Look Out For in Teens

at 6:08 AM
Being the parent of a teenager can be a very difficult task. Teenagers are known for their lack of respect of authority, unruliness, mood swings and the list goes on. Parents never know how involved they should be in their children's life in this complex time. Teenagers think they know it all and want to start tackling life on their own, while parents want to protect their children from potential grief and dangers; it's a very complicated time in any parent's life. There are tell tale signs that something is definitely wrong with your teenager that you should look out for, and here are some of them:

- Changes in Performance at School: Any sudden or drastic change in your teen's school work should raise alarm bells. A drop in performance could be a sign of drug or alcohol abuse, or it could be an indication of depression.

- Avoiding School: If your teen seems to be frequently coming up with excuses to avoid going to school, something isn't right. Try to establish communication with your child's teachers and compare notes on any behavioral changes you may have noticed. Your child may be the victim of school bullying or worse, don't ignore the situation hoping it will fix itself.

- Dropping Out of Activities: Hobbies and extracurricular activities are a vital part of developing social skills in teens, and if your child suddenly stops participating in hobbies and activities they used to enjoy, this could be a sign something is drastically wrong.

- Changes in Sleep Patterns: Sleep is crucial for everyone, especially teens because sleep allows the body and mind to recuperate and rejuvenate. If your teenager's sleep patterns are erratic or seem abnormal, it's time to rule out potential drug abuse problems or psychological disorders such as depression.

- Sudden Changes in Peer Group: "Birds of a feather flock together" rings true. If your teenager has had high-achieving friends at school and then suddenly starts avoiding them and begins hanging out with less savory individuals, this could mean he's doing things his old friends didn't approve of and is usually a sign of trouble.

Coping with teenagers and doing the right thing can be very frustrating at times, but if you remain alert and watch out for signs of potential problems and always try to maintain open lines of communication with your child, you should be able to get through this trying time successfully.


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