Friday, October 22, 2010

Child's Play - Are You Creating a Baby Genius Or Are You Encouraging Normal Growth and Development?

at 9:45 AM
As a retired nurse who worked for years with children, I am very concerned about how babies are being "taught" to be academic geniuses these days. You see, babies are born inquisitive and it is human nature for them to want to explore their environment. This is a built in mechanism that ensures our little ones will grow and develop the skills necessary to survive and prosper.

Today I am seeing the trend for parents who want to create baby geniuses because they feel it is necessary to give their child an academic edge over other children. Every toy they purchase for their "Baby Einstein" revolves around academic learning and developing cognitive skills beyond their physical years. The result can be seen all around us. We have these little academic whiz kids who are overweight, and socially inadequate.

By the time our little genius heads off to school at the tender age of three, he can count to 10, print his name and recite the alphabet. Good for you Mom and Dad! BUT he can't get along with other children and he can't climb on the playground equipment without getting hurt. He doesn't understand his environment and is fearful of social situations. He acts out and is put on Ritalin.

Did you do him any favors by developing his brain beyond his years? No. In order to have a well rounded child, you must allow him to explore, make mistakes, climb, jump, play ball and pretend. Your child must develop all of the skills necessary to not only survive but excel in today's world. Giving him skills in only one area will not give him an edge over anyone.

How many times have you met a truly remarkable child that left a lasting impression on you? Chances are this child had great interpersonal skills, was not afraid of social situations and understood the world around him. You only gain those skills through creative play, physical activity and exploring the world you live in.

So the next time you are considering purchasing an educational toy for your baby, think about his growth and development as a whole and not just developing his brain. You want the whole package for your child. A Baby Einstein will be the child sitting in the corner all by himself, and quite unremarkable.


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