Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Protecting Your Children From Online Predators

at 11:48 PM
We've heard about online predators before, and we know that there are things we can do to protect our children from them. But have we really taken the time to look into those things?

Two of our children use the internet everyday. In this article, I'll be sharing some rules that we use with our children, to help you protect your own children while surfing the net.

First of all, make sure that an adult approves adding an email address. Make sure that your children do not send emails to strangers, or subscribe to emails on unfamiliar websites. You don't want junk mail flooding your children's inbox. There's a big possibility that junk mail can contain information you don't want your children seeing, as well as links to inappropriate websites.

It would also help to keep the computer in a place where you can keep an eye on your child while he or she is using it. It's harder to track what sites your kids visit when they use the computer in their rooms. These days, it's easy for children to gain access to all kinds of websites, even the ones that they're not supposed to see. Just to make sure, you can check the internet history of the computer after your child uses it.

If you still feel the need to double check, you can check your child's email account. There you will be able to screen the emails that have been sent or deleted.

Come up with a list of favorites for the websites that they're allowed to view. If they want to check out a new website, make an effort to screen it first.

Don't allow them to search through Google or other search engines. Making sure that they stick to the websites you've approved makes their internet experience safer.

Following these suggestions will help ensure your child's safety while surfing the net. The world our kids live in today is definitely different from ours. It's always helpful to go the extra mile to make sure that they're safe.


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