Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Setting Up an Incentive Or Reward System For Homework

at 10:43 PM
In an ideal world, every child would do his homework and do it well every day because he likes doing it. While there are some children who certainly have this attitude, not every schoolchild would want to do homework for the stated reason above.

If getting good grades or having the satisfaction of completing a daily task are not enough motivation, parents can think up of creative ways to motivate their children in doing their homework. While it is rare that an incentive system will work right after implementation, careful thought and consideration should be given in setting up one.

With the right incentives, parents can avoid having power struggles with children over homework. They can also use it to remind children about what's in store for them if they start fidgeting midway through an assignment.

Incentives need not be expensive or elaborate. In fact, they should be the simple things that children find pleasure in doing. Examples are favorite activities such as watching TV, playing a video game, or hanging out with friends. Other kids would also be motivated by a favorite treat such as cookies or pizza.

For a more long term approach, and especially with older children, a points system could be more effective. Certain behaviors can earn him points, not doing things as expected can shave off those points. This way, parents can add and mix up the incentives mentioned earlier with bigger rewards such as a chance to skip a household chore for the week, attending a sports game, going to the beach or the park, or going somewhere nice during the weekend.

Of course there is one incentive that does not need points and should be given freely: one cannot never underestimate how motivating are words of praise for children.

As a last word, incentives should not be confused with bribes. Bribery is when a parent gives something to the child just so he will do the homework. Reward is when a treat becomes available when the homework is done well.


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