Friday, May 21, 2010

Nurturing Your Child's Self Esteem

at 1:27 AM
You must know that a child's self-esteem is their mental foundation. In general, children who are self-assured often end up as confident, secure, happy, well-adjusted and successful people. They have a distinct outlook on life that enables them to deal with problems that come their way. Of course, this all begins with a parent's loving and nurturing care.

You may ask yourselves, what are some good ways to help build the self esteem of my child? Well, first of all, accept them for who they are and teach them to do the same with the people around them. Make them aware that nobody is perfect and that making mistakes is part of human nature.

Help them see the silver lining of experiencing the pitfalls in life by helping them learn and grow from those experiences. Children with high self esteem are able to learn the lessons from their mistakes and are able to apply them in their future undertakings. Help your child bring out their natural talents and abilities. Also, encourage outlets for these talents so that they may build and improve on them. You must always praise children for their unique abilities but never forget either to praise them for their innate abilities.

It is also crucial that you train them to make positive choices, early on in life. Keep the lines of communication open and discuss with your children the infinite possibilities that awaits them. It is said that children who are trained to make positive choices at a young age, are more likely to handle the tougher choices in life better, once they get older.

Most importantly, make sure you spend quality time with your children. At least once a week, take them out or stay in with them, just make sure that you take the time to talk and catch up on each other's lives. Career-oriented parents may find this difficult, but simple things such as chatting during car rides or doing house chores together will do wonders. You may not realize it, but little things truly go a long way


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