Monday, May 10, 2010

Child's Play - Tips For Adding Physical Play to Academic Lessons to Help Toddlers Increase Memory

at 5:44 PM
It has been proven that physical activity increases memory and stimulates development. By adding a physical element to your basic toddler lessons, you will make it a fun activity and you will find your little one will be eager to learn. They will also be developing motor skills at the same time so it is a win/win situation. Here are some simple, playful ways to teach your toddler the basics of color recognition, counting and the alphabet.

  1. Colors and counting. For this game, you will need a basket or bin and about 20 primary colored bean bags or sponge balls. For young toddlers, have them pick up a bean bag and run to the basket and drop it inside while you count. For older toddlers, have them try to throw them into the basket.
    When all of the bean bags are in the basket, have your child help you sort them into colors. Repeat the colors as you pull the bean bags out of the basket. Place them in color groups and then count out how many of each color you have.
    Your little one will love this game and will repeat it over and over again. You will be surprised at how quickly he begins to recognize the colors and gains the counting skills.

  2. Alphabet. If you have a swing set in your yard, or at the park, have your toddler get on the swing and every time you push them recite a letter of the alphabet. Forward is A, back is B, etc.

  3. Colors. A good old fashioned Twister mat is a great tool for teaching colors. Young children may not be able to do the actual game of Twister, but you can have them hop from colored circle to colored circle and they will love it.

As you can see, there are many, many ways to include physical activity with academic learning. By teaching your children to be physically active you are reinforcing the importance of physical activity in their daily activities. Get creative. You know the activities that spark your little one's interests the most so incorporate them with academics and you will find you do not spend much time with "sit down" activities. Your child burns energy which means he sleeps better at night and gains the motor skills along with his academic skills.


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