Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 Fast Tips For Handling Child Aggression - Ways to Stay Calm When Dealing With Aggressive Children

at 9:04 PM
Parenting is tough and in the end we are all human. You are under a lot of stress whenever your child expresses themselves in rebellious ways. This will be helpful for any parent faced with openly defiant kids or dealing with aggressive children.

This is no easy task and in many cases it is just plain easier said than done. Yet these little strategies can help you to keep your cool when your child is pushing those buttons. Okay, here are 10 quick tips to help you remain calm in those trying times.

1. This will sound funny but it does work wonders. Count to ten. Let the child see this while your doing it. While you are counting take slow deep breaths. Also visualize yourself as calm and overcoming this scenario with positive results.

2. Recognize that no one has any real power over you unless you let them and that it is your decision to get angry or upset. Remind yourself that the more power you give away, the less power your misbehaving child can take from you. You hold the key to your own actions and no one else.

3. Always keep a record of your progress. Make a list of times you were successful when dealing with aggressive children or behavior. Then when you believe you will falter, simply remind yourself of these good times that you have prevailed in and made the best out of a situation.

4. Remind yourself to feel good about yourself for taking responsibility for your own emotional reactions. Allow yourself the freedom of positive feelings and thoughts. This is a lot like positive affirmations only 'In the moment,' and often when you need it the most.

5. Keep telling yourself that this will not last more than a few moments. A drop in the ocean of time when you think about it. This will pass and nothing lasts forever. Also your child whether aggressive or defiant will grow up. More than likely faster than you really want them to.

6. Think about the fact that someone always has it harder than you and even you have more than likely been through worse. Keep in mind that the greater your trial the greater and more fulfilling the triumph will feel. Use this as motivation until you get there. And You Will Get There.

7. Remember never respond to aggressive behavior with aggression. This will only enforce and validate the child's behavior. Your child wants desperately to be just like you and will mirror any behavior you demonstrate. So it stands to reason that the next tip will be equally important.

8. Lead by example. You will have to practice what you preach in order to effectively guide your misbehaving child in the right direction. Always demonstrate and teach your ability to control your emotions. Always remember that the spotlight is on you. So whenever you feel tempted to yell or curse, stop and rethink that line of thought.

9. Show your child alternative methods to controlling his or her emotions. Providing methods that are more positive and more constructive. Teach them to channel their emotions through creative expression. Ask them to tell you when they are feeling angry or upset whenever possible.

10. Praise their efforts continually. Giving them a reason to want to change is often as easy as sharing positive recognition. Your child wants attention no matter what. Bad attention is better than no attention at all. Always offer your support and use positive encouragement whenever possible. All these methods combined with Positive Encouragement will help to shape your aggressive child into a more developed and controlled person.

There are ten good tips to staying calm when dealing with aggressive children. Remember that there are a number of ways that these can be adapted to your specific needs. There are as many more methods and tips as there are situations that call for them. Being creative and patient will help aid you in your progress.

You can remain calm when dealing with aggressive children and all it takes is knowing what ways to react ahead of time. You will love the positive outcome of utilizing the best information available when it comes to parenting children who are continuously misbehaving. It does not have to be so difficult and all you really need is a fresh perspective.


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