Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Should I Handle a Child With a Bad Temper?

at 9:39 AM
An issue that concerns many parents is dealing with a child that displays a bad temper. A bad tempered child may yell, cry, throw tantrums and occasionally become violent. It is difficult for parents to cope with these behaviors, and they are often at a loss as to what to try next. A bad temper is usually the result when the child becomes frustrated over a problem they are attempting to deal with.

The most important thing a parent can remember during these bad temper moments is to remain calm. Do not give in to the gut instinct to respond to the child's antics by mimicking their behaviors. Your job as the parent is to be the role model. Demonstrate the behavior you want them to exhibit. If you give in to the yelling, you are making that behavior an acceptable form of communication in your household. Keep your cool and do not let them see how angry they are making you. Remember, your emotions can be read by your facial expressions.

In a calm demeanor, talk to the child about the situation. The bad temper flare up may have been caused by the child being told no, or simply because the child became frustrated about an activity. If you are aware of what the problem is, help give your child the direction they need to solve it. Young children may not know the words needed to communicate their wants or needs. Teach them the right words to use and have them practice their new words in front of you. Make sure they are using proper tone and body language before they are allowed to continue with their playtime.

Do you want to learn exactly how to eliminate your child's out-of-control and defiant behavior without using Punishments, Time-Outs, Behavioral Plans, or Rewards?


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