Saturday, July 3, 2010

Getting Kids Active in Summer

at 8:58 PM
Do you have children of different ages in your home? If so, you may wonder if there are any activities that the family can enjoy together, as different age groups tend to have different interests. But rest assured, there are activities different age groups can enjoy together.

It is not always necessary to plan different activities for different age groups. Below you will find some tips that can serve as a guide in planning activities that will include all of your children.

Crafts are fun at all ages, and can be done indoors or outdoors. Crafts are an opportunity for creativity, and while you'll need to provide general instructions, these should serve as a starting point only.

By placing very few parameters on the crafts, you'll be allowing each child to use their imagination. Not only will they be please with their own results, but they'll also take pride in having done it themselves.

Worried about your children having a sedentary summer? Engage in some physically active games, such as hide and seek. If you've been wondering how to find the time to stay physically active yourself, be sure to join them! This not only benefits you, but the kids will love the interaction!

Want to teach the older kids leadership? Let them help facilitate some of the activities for the younger kids. Not only will they feel important, they'll be developing skills in communication and planning as well.

Teaching leadership to children will help them for the rest of their life, and does not require a great deal of actual training. Just let them take a role in leading an activity - you may be surprised at how strong their leadership skills are.

You'll also want to allow time for children of different ages to do things alone or with peers. This is both appropriate and useful in developing independence. Just remember that family activities are important too!


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