Sunday, June 20, 2010

How Can I Teach My Child Good Behaviors?

at 12:34 AM
Many parents often wonder if there is a better way to teach their children good discipline. Some are not comfortable with the time-out method, behavioral plans or reward charts. What if you could teach your child discipline by just changing your way of teaching them? A viable alternative to these classic parenting styles begins with you. You, as the parent are tasked with changing your way of thinking. This may be a little difficult at first, but it can be done.

Instead of looking at your parenting job as you are the boss so therefore children must do as I say, transform into a leadership role. You are the leader, your actions and words are the model your children will be looking to as they grow socially and emotionally. As the leader, you are responsible for setting the rules and consequences of your house. This also puts you into the position to enforce those rules consistently. You can enforce these rules by simply restating them. A variety of different techniques can be implemented to redirect the child to the behaviors you are requiring without ever putting them in a time-out.

Your new leadership role also gives you the responsibility to lead your child into good behavior habits. Before you can lead them to these good habits, you need to define what those good behaviors look like. An effective strategy is to tell the child what they can do, instead of listing all the things they cannot do. This method may go against your parenting grain, but think of how much easier it is to remember a couple of things you can do versus fifty things you are not supposed to do.

Do you want to learn exactly how to eliminate your child's out-of-control and defiant behavior without using Punishments, Time-Outs, Behavioral Plans, or Rewards?


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