Thursday, April 15, 2010

Active Play - What Parents Can Do

at 7:18 AM
Physical activity begins in infancy. Participating in active and creative play is essential to the overall development of children. Even before kids start learning reading, writing, and arithmetic they learn through play.... all kinds of play. Muscle control, coordination, and strength improve as children participate in their daily environment. Judging distance as they kick the soccer ball, figuring out the speed needed to balance on a bike or even the science of power in achieving their physical goals are all part of helping girls and boys experience success.

Most play, whether indoors or outside, involve other children. By working with one or more kids, your child can learn important social skills and rules: how to compromise and resolve conflict, how to make-believe/role play, how to work as a team or partner, how to be assertive and even how to play with various personalities. When children are efficient at these skills it truly helps grow self confidence and ultimately self-esteem.

As parents or caregivers you are constantly faced with decisions about how to influence your child's development. What toys to buy, how much TV, computer and video games to allow, what activities are the best for learning. Consider the following when you are creating an active environment for kids:

Promote respectful play - choose activities that promote working together, finding solutions. Competition is important to teach about winning and losing but make sure to integrate activities that support cooperation as well.

Promote physical, outdoor play

Choose toys that promote creativity - children create their own ideas about their experiences so offer activities and props that recreate real life

Choose toys that add value and learning to the child's experience - toys that can be used in multiple ways, can be combined with other toys, can be used alone or with a group, and are good for boys and girls and by more than one age level

Avoid toys that mimic TV shows - it restricts a child from using his/her own imagination

Avoid toys that "play for the child" instead of letting the child be in charge of the play and outcome.

These are just a few tips to consider when guiding your child to a healthy, happy, and fun childhood. Even though our children will indeed be expert "techies" with the access they have to electronic products..good ole active, physical play is still the least expensive and easiest way to help your kids develop into successful adults.


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